The Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind

Board of Visitors Bylaws

Revised September 30, 2024

In accordance with Title 22.1, Chapter 19 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, The Board of Visitors of the Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind (the “Board”) hereby adopts the following bylaws, effective as of the date and authorized signature below, for its own governance and to promulgate such regulations as may be necessary to carry out its powers and duties.

Article I: Purpose

The Virginia General Assembly in 2009, established the Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind, as an independent agency in the executive branch of state government. The Virginia Board of Visitors purpose is to govern the educational programs and services to the deaf, blind, and multi- disabled students enrolled at the Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind.

Article II: Membership, Attendance, Powers and Duties

A. Membership

The membership on the Board shall be dictated by Va. Code 22.1-346.2(C).

B. Powers and Duties

The powers and duties conferred upon the Board of Visitors by Va. Code 22.1-346.2 (F), shall be exercised to accomplish the purposes and mission and to promote the general welfare of VSDB.

The Board shall have the following powers and duties:

  1. Establish such rules, policies, and regulations for the governance of the Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind.

  2. Prescribe the criteria and procedures governing admissions to the school, and the review of student placement, to ensure the appropriateness of the placement and instructional program of each student admitted to the school pursuant to Section 22.1- 348 and in accordance with the federal and state special education laws and regulations.

  3. Establish a policy governing the transportation of students at the school to permit frequent home visits by students, and to provide each student transportation to and from the school and the place of residence of such student’s parent or guardian whenever the school is officially closed.

  4. Prescribe and approve the education programs of the Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind, in consultation with the Department of Education, the Virginia Department for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing, and the Virginia Department for the Blind and Visually Impaired.

  5. Appoint and supervise the superintendent, other officers and the faculty of the school in accordance with Va. Code 22.1-346.2 (F)(5).

  6. Establish the qualifications, duties, and compensation of the superintendent, other officers, faculty and employees of the school. The Board shall establish salary schedules for all professional personnel which are competitive with those in effect for the school divisions in which the facility is located, in accordance with Va. Code 22.1-349.

  7. Prepare and submit to the Governor and General Assembly an annual report detailing the curricula and other educational programs and services of the school, including receipts and disbursements pertaining to the operation of the school for each fiscal year ending on June 30.

C. Campus Security

The Board is authorized pursuant to Va. Code 22.1-346.2(G) to establish and maintain a campus security department and to employ campus security personnel therein.

D. Conflict of Interest

Membership on the Board is governed by any applicable conflict of interest laws and ethic laws.

Article III: Meetings

Meetings of the Board of Visitors are of three types: regular meetings, special meetings, and closed meetings.

A. Regular Meetings

The Board of Visitors shall meet no less than four times each year. The meetings of the Board of Visitors shall be held at the call of the chairman or whenever the majority of the members so request. Notice of all meetings shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (§ 2.2-3700 et seq.). Notice of meetings to the public shall, pursuant to subsection G of § 2.2-3707, state whether public comment will be received at the meeting and, if so, the approximate point during the meeting when public comment will be received. At any meeting at which public comment will be received, each speaker shall be allotted three minutes to speak. To ensure that all interested parties are given reasonable opportunity to be heard, the time allotted for each speaker to give public comment shall not be limited extemporaneously or without adequate notice prior to the date on which such meeting is scheduled.

B. Closed Meetings

The Board may hold a closed meeting in accordance with § 2.2-3711. At the conclusion of any closed meeting, in accordance with § 2.2-3712, the Board shall immediately reconvene in an open meeting, shall take a roll call or other recorded vote to be included in the minutes, and certify that to the best of each member's knowledge (i) only public business matters lawfully exempted from the open meeting and (ii) only such public business matters as were identified in the motion by which the closed meeting was convened were heard, discussed or considered in the meeting by the Board.

C. Agenda

Any Board member may request that an item or issue be placed on the agenda of a meeting. No item or issue may be added within the ten (10) day period of public notice for such meeting. Additional agenda items may be added at a meeting only if consented to by a majority of the Board members present.  The agenda will be mailed/emailed to all Board of Visitors members prior to the meeting. The agenda for all meetings shall have a time set aside for the consideration of “New Business.” Any Board member may introduce any issue or make a motion during the “New Business” portion of the meeting. Matters which arise subsequent to the mailing of the agenda, and prior to the convening of the meeting of the Board, shall be presented to the Board at the time of the meeting in a supplementary agenda.

D. Voting Proxies

At meetings of the Board, all members present shall be entitled to exercise voting rights on all matters. Members who are not present shall not be entitled to vote by proxy.

E. Voting and Quorum

A quorum shall consist of a majority of the members of the Board, except in those instances where a different quorum may be required by state statue. Each member of the Board shall be entitled to one vote with respect to each matter voted on by the Board. Except as expressly provide otherwise here in these bylaws, the vote of a majority of the Board members present at any meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act or resolution of the Board.

F. Notices

Notice of all meetings shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (§ 2.2-3700 et seq.). Notice of meetings to the public shall, pursuant to subsection G of § 2.2-3707, state whether public comment will be received at the meeting and, if so, the approximate point during the meeting when public comment will be received. At any meeting at which public comment will be received, each speaker shall be allotted three minutes to speak. To ensure that all interested parties are given reasonable opportunity to be heard, the time allotted for each speaker to give public comment shall not be limited extemporaneously or without adequate notice prior to the date on which such meeting is scheduled.

Article IV: Officers

A. Chairman

The Chairman shall be elected by a majority of the Board members, shall preside over meetings of the Board, and shall have all powers and duties as necessary to fulfill this role. The Chairman shall exercise supervision and direction over the Board’s goals and affairs and discharge all duties generally pertaining to such office, subject to the control of the Board members. The Chairman shall appointment members of the Board to serve on standing committees and appoint special committees with the non-Board members as deemed necessary. The Chairman shall be elected from the Board membership for a term of two (2) years. The Chairman may serve consecutive terms. The election of the Chairman shall be by a recorded vote.

B. Vice Chairman

The Vice Chairman shall be elected by a majority of the Board members, shall have such powers and perform such duties as may from time to time be conferred or prescribed by the Board. In the absence of the Chairman, the Vice Chairman shall discharge all such executive duties of the office of Chairman. The Vice Chairman shall be elected from the Board Membership for a term of two (2) years. The Vice Chairman may serve consecutive terms. The election of the Vice Chairman shall be by a recorded vote.

C. Secretary

The Secretary shall be elected by a majority of the Board members, who shall keep an accurate record of the proceedings of the Board and of the executive committee if one is created by the Board. The Secretary shall be elected from the membership to serve for a two (2) year term. The Secretary shall give, or cause to be given, notice of all meetings of the Board, and shall perform such other duties as may from time to time be prescribed by the Board or the Chairman, under whose supervision he or she shall act.

D. Other Officers

A majority of the Board members may elect any other officers that it deems appropriate.

Article V. Administrative Officers and Other Employees

A. Superintendent

The Superintendent shall be appointed by the Board every two years. The Board establishes the qualifications, duties, and compensation of the Superintendent. The Board may remove at any time the superintendent for cause, subject to the provisions of Chapter 29 (§ 2.2-2900 et seq.) of Title 2.2. The duties of the Superintendent shall include:

  1. Responsible for the overall operations of the VSDB

  2. Administer the agency budget

  3. Maintain fiscal management of the VSDB

  4. Execute general supervision over VSDB personnel, including their selection and dismissal as outlined by the Department of Human Resource Management policies and procedures

  5. Serve on the committee for the oversight of the VSDB Foundation Fund

  6. Create an effective process for the development and implementation of the Strategic Plan

  7. Organize and participate in presenting VSDB budgetary and staffing needs to members of the General Assembly and the Executive branch

  8. Oversee admissions for VSDB

  9. Advise the Board on strategies for broadening the enrollment pool for VSDB

  10. Executes agency contracts and agreements

B. Faculty

The Board shall appoint other VSDB faculty on an annual basis. However, the Superintendent with the approval of the Chairman of the Board shall be authorized to fill vacancies in positions appointed by the Board occurring between meetings of the Board. The Board may remove faculty members at any time for cause, subject to the provisions of Chapter 29 (2.2-2900 et. seq.) of Title 2.2.

Article VI: The Committee System

The Board may create a committee system to aid with the execution of its duties. The Committee System of the Board of Visitors shall consist of the Executive Committee, Standing Committee, and Special Committees. All members of the Board shall have the privilege of attending all committee meetings and notice of all committee meetings that are held in conjunction with Board meetings shall be sent to all members of the Board five days prior to the meeting. Recommendations of all the committees shall be presented for action to the Board of Visitors.

A. The Executive Committee

The Executive Committee of the Board of Visitors shall consist of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and the Secretary of the Board and two additional members elected by the Board at its Annual Meeting each year. Any vacancy on the Executive Committee shall be filled for the unexpired term at the next regular meeting of the Board.

The Executive Committee shall meet upon the call of the Chairman or upon the call of three members of the committee. Three members shall constitute a quorum provided that the Committee shall consider all matters referred to it by the Chairman of the Board, the Board itself, or by the Superintendent.

In the interim between meetings of the Board, the Executive Committee is vested by statute with the powers and authority of the full Board and shall take such actions as in its judgment are required. All actions taken by the Executive Committee between meetings of the Board shall be reported in writing to the Board at the next regular meeting.

B. Standing Committees

The Board may create standing committees as it deems appropriate. The membership of each standing committee shall consist of not more than seven or fewer than three Board members.

All members of the standing committee shall be appointed by the Chairman of the Board. At the time of the committee appointments, the chairman and vice chairman of each committee shall be designated by the Chairman. A vacancy on any committee shall be filled by the Chairman for the unexpired term, and the Chairman shall have the power to change the membership of any standing committee at any time. Each standing committee shall meet at the call of its chairman.

C. Special Committees

The Chairman may at any time, or upon direction of the Board, appoint a special committee to consist of no fewer than three or more than seven Board members to consider a specific matter pertaining to the school not included in the duties and responsibilities of a standing committee of the Board. At that time such a committee is appointed, its mission and tenure shall be established and when these conditions are met, the committee shall be terminated.

Article VII: Resolutions of the Board

All resolutions adopted by the Board shall be signed by the Chairman and shall remain in effect until repealed, amended, or otherwise suspended by subsequent resolution. The Secretary shall maintain an appropriate record of all Board resolutions in effect and make such record available to the Board and the public upon request. All Board resolutions are subject to the Virginia Freedom of Information Act and the Virginia Public Records Act.

Article VIII: Public Participation

Citizens of the Commonwealth are encouraged to attend all Board meetings, except closed sessions as defined by the Virginia Freedom of Information Act, and may record proceedings in writing or by using a recording device. The Board is not required to allow citizens to speak at every meeting. At any meeting at which public comment will be received, each speaker shall be allotted three minutes to speak. To ensure that all interested parties are given reasonable opportunity to be heard, the time allotted for each speaker to give public comment shall not be limited extemporaneously or without adequate notice prior to the date on which such meeting is scheduled.

Opportunities may be provided, at the discretion of the Board Chairman, for individuals or citizens representing a group or groups to appear on the agenda of a regular meeting or work session of the Board. Requests to appear before the Board or one of its committees shall be made in writing ten days before a scheduled meeting of the board and must include the subject to be discussed and the name of the speaker. The ten days may be waived by the Chairman or committee chairperson if the item is on the agenda. In honoring such requests, the Board will limit such presentations to three minutes for individuals and five minutes for a citizen representing a group, unless an extension is granted by the Chairman or committee chairperson.

Article IX: Board Operations

A. Board Minutes

All minutes of the Board shall be open for inspection. Further, the minutes of the Board shall be posted on the VSDB website and kept on file in the Superintendent’s Office at VSDB for a period of five years, after which the official records shall be maintained in accordance with the Virginia Freedom of Information Act and Records Retention and Disposition Schedule prescribed by the Library of Virginia.

B. Compensation and Expenses

Legislative members of the Board shall receive such compensation as provided in § 30-19.12, and nonlegislative citizen members shall receive compensation for the performance of their duties as provided in § 2.2-2813. All members shall be reimbursed for all reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties as provided in §§ 2.2-2813 and 2.2-2825. Funding for the costs of expenses of the members shall be provided from such funds as may be appropriated by the Board, in accordance with the appropriations act.

Article X: Amendments

These bylaws may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the Board by a majority vote of the members of the Board, provided that the proposed amendment has been submitted and its views on the amendment together with the proposed amendment are provided to all members of the Board with the notice of the meeting as provided for in these bylaws.