Join us for a reception celebrating the wonder 185 year anniversary exhibit at the RR Smith Center in Staunton VA!
12 months ago, VSDB
Green background with black and white historical pictures along the bottom. Text reads Exhibit Reception VSDB Celebrating 185 years as pioneers in the education of the deaf and the blind. Saturday August 12, 2023 4:30pm-7:00pm. RR Smith Center 20 South New Street Staunton VA 24401
Come check out the VSDB museum exhibit located in the RR Smith Center for History and Art in Staunton, VA!
about 1 year ago, VSDB
flyer of the vsdb exhibits
flyer for the vsdb exhibits
vsdb timeline
Attention VSDB Families! We need your help and input for our VTSS team! What is VTSS? The Virginia Tiered Systems of Support (VTSS) workgroup at VSDB consists of school and residential administrators, teachers, students, and families who work together to develop an effective learning environment for all students. VSDB knows family input is essential in creating good quality systems and invites interested family members to partner with our VTSS team to develop these systems. We understand you might have questions about the process, so please join us for a Question and Answer session to learn more! To help us in planning the question and answer sessions, please complete this short survey to indicate your interest and availability: For more information, please contact Julie Saum, Family Engagement Specialist, at [email protected] or 540-324-8316 Thank you!
about 1 year ago, Julie Saum
flyer for VTSS info session. text is copied in the post. gray background with navy blue and green striped circular designs.
VSDB is accepting applications for the 2023-2024 school year! Contact Kim Dayhoff, Admissions Coordinator, to learn about the application process or to request a tour.
about 1 year ago, VSDB
text "accepting applications" against a black chalkboard background with multicolored chalk crushed along the bottom
Have you seen our signs on the highway? On I64 and on I81, you might notice updated signs directing you to our campus. Follow them and stop by to see our beautiful campus nestled in the heart of Staunton and check out everything we have to offer. To schedule a tour for prospective students, please visit and click "Request a Tour"
about 1 year ago, VSDB
highway signs on the side of the road. brown sign with text "exit 87 to 222" with another brown sign below it that says "Va School For The Deaf And The Blind" a green sign below that reads "Mary Baldwin University"
three highway signs on the side of the road.  first sign is brown and reads "Va School For The Deaf And The Blind" second sign is brown and reads "Frontier Culture Museum of Virginia" bottom sign is blue and reads "Tourist Info Center"
Summer program photos part 8 (final part!): We had so much fun with our summer program "The Un-Fairy Tale" this year!! Equal parts fun, learning, and laughter with our fantastic students and staff.
about 1 year ago, VSDB
five student standing together wearing their self-designed tie dye shirts
six students and three staff stand in a group wearing their self-designed tie dye shirts
five students and one staff standing in a group wearing their self-designed tie dye shirts
all students and staff in the summer program huddled into a group, all wearing their self-designed tie dye shirts
five students and two staff stand in a group wearing their self-designed tie dye shirts
Summer program photos part 7: We had so much fun with our summer program "The Un-Fairy Tale" this year!! Equal parts fun, learning, and laughter with our fantastic students and staff.
about 1 year ago, VSDB
four students show off their team pennant design
female student working on tie dye
group of student showing off their team pennant design
female student doing tie dye
group of students showing off their team pennant design
one student and staff standing on the stage performing
two female students acting on stage
female student and male staff acting on stage
Summer program photos part 6: We had so much fun with our summer program "The Un-Fairy Tale" this year!! Equal parts fun, learning, and laughter with our fantastic students and staff.
about 1 year ago, VSDB
female student running through an obstacle course
female student jumping over a large mat in an obstacle course
male student pushing a large inflatable ball in an obstacle course
female student running through an obstacle course
male student throwing a football into a net during an obstacle course
male student leaping over a large mat during an obstacle course
young male student crawling through a round mat during an obstacle course
male student jumping over a box mat during an obstacle course
young student pushing a large inflatable ball with staff assistance
female student jumping over a box mat
Summer program photos part 5: We had so much fun with our summer program "The Un-Fairy Tale" this year!! Equal parts fun, learning, and laughter with our fantastic students and staff.
about 1 year ago, VSDB
students forming cookies with cookie dough
male student putting a try of cookie dough into the oven
students gathered together preparing to make cookies
male student sprinkling flour while making cookies
male student looking through the oven door monitoring the cookies in the oven
male student using a blow drier to melt tape on his building project
male student holding a plastic flower pot
female student drawing a rainbow with chalk on the sidewalk
group of students proudly displaying their team pennant
female student working on tie dye
Summer program photos part 4: We had so much fun with our summer program "The Un-Fairy Tale" this year!! Equal parts fun, learning, and laughter with our fantastic students and staff.
about 1 year ago, VSDB
students pulling on a rope in tug-of-war
students celebrating their win in tug-of-war
staff pulling on a rope against students in tug-of-war
students (with one staff) pulling on a rope against staff in tug-of-war
students using a towel to launch a wet sponge into a hula hoop on the ground
students pulling on a rope in tug-of-war
students working together to launch a wet sponge off of a towel
students aiming and squirting water blasters
students aiming and squirting water blasters
students aiming and squirting water blasters at a formation of stacked cups
PRESERVING THE MASCOT LEGACIES Recently, VSDB moved to a shared unified mascot that represents all of its students: the Deaf, the Blind, and the Deafblind. Over the next year, VSDB will transition to the new Unified VSDB Mascot, the Defender. As stakeholders, VSDB wants your ideas to create ways to preserve the importance of the legacy and the history of both the Chief and the Cardinal. All ideas to honor the Chief and the Cardinal will be considered. Please email or send a video with your suggestions on how VSDB can preserve the history of the mascots. Please send all ideas to the Unified VSDB consultants at: [email protected]. Important: On the subject line of your email, please put "VSDB". Ideas and suggestions will only be accepted from Monday, June 26th to Monday, July 10th. Thank you in advance for your suggestions!
about 1 year ago, VSDB
flyer with white background and black text. flyer text is transcribed in the full post. In the middle of the flyer is an image of two pedestals. the pedestal on the left has the Chief mascot above it and a blue background. the pedestal on the right has the cardinal mascot on it and a red background
Summer program photos part 3: We had so much fun with our summer program "The Un-Fairy Tale" this year!! Equal parts fun, learning, and laughter with our fantastic students and staff.
about 1 year ago, VSDB
students bent over a paper pennant designing their team logo
students acting out a group “cheer” in the gym. one male student stands in the middle of a semi-circle of other students as he points a wand at them
students use cups to measure out holes in which to plant seeds
male student kneeling in the garden making holes in the soil for planting
male student holds a seed before planting
students and staff planting seeds in a row of soil
students bent over a row of seedlings as they finish transplanting them
students playing in a mist sprayed by the water hose
students playing in a mist sprayed by the water hose
students playing in a mist sprayed by the water hose
Summer program photos part 2: We had so much fun with our summer program "The Un-Fairy Tale" this year!! Equal parts fun, learning, and laughter with our fantastic students and staff.
about 1 year ago, VSDB
female student smiling at the camera as she raises her hand in the classroom
female student sitting dirt with a large sifter
male student dumping dirt from a shovel into the large sifter
female student leaning over a fish pond with lily pads
students sitting in a circle on the gym floor
group of students sitting on the gym floor engaged in conversation
students wearing science goggles as they work on an experiment
male student using a cotton swab to use a germ sample from the bottom of a male staff’s shoe
female teacher instructing students in a science experiment
two students working on a building activity when a male student tries to startle them acting like a dragon with a dragon towel draped over his head and shoulders
Summer program photos part 1: We had so much fun with our summer program "The Un-Fairy Tale" this year!! Equal parts fun, learning, and laughter with our fantastic students and staff.
about 1 year ago, VSDB
male student planting a seedling in the ground
male student spraying a strong mist over freshly planted seedlings
male student spraying a strong mist over his head with a garden hose
female student spraying newly planted seedlings with a garden hose
male and female student each old an egg over a trash can, ready for an egg battle
male and female student each old an egg over a trash can, the female’s has broken from the egg battle
two male students each old an egg over a trash can, ready for an egg battle
two preschool students held by staff each hold an egg over a large classroom, ready for an egg battle
male and female student each hold an egg over a trash can, the male student’s egg has cracked from an egg battle
male and female student each old an egg over a trash can, ready for an egg battle
Thank you for your patience as VSDB worked to ensure full accessibility of this announcement for the new Unified VSDB mascot! The process that was used in the Unified Mascot voting was student-focused and led by outside consultants in order to ensure neutrality. The students worked collaboratively across both the Blind and the Deaf departments, to create a variety of designs and a list of characteristics they wanted to see in the new Unified VSDB mascot. The students chose the top two images and those images along with the list of characteristics were then given to a professional artist to create the final two mascot choices for the VSDB official ballot. Each of the 5 groups (Deaf Students, Blind Students, VSDB staff and Boards, Blind Alumni, and Deaf Alumni) were provided the opportunity to submit 1 collective vote. The collective vote was determined by the individual votes received by each group. On the reveal flyer, the number of votes indicates the breakdown of each group's vote. VSDB is proud of the collaborative effort and creativity that the students demonstrated during this process! [Flyer text: VSDB is proud to announce its new Unified Mascot... The VSDB Defender! The VSDB Defender is a fox-like image facing right. It has fur streaked with red and blue. Its snout has red, blue, and white fur. Its red eyes are intense with a determined stare. They are alert and see everything around it. There is a mix of red and blue feathers gathered closely around the neck. The feathers honor the history of the Cardinal and the Chief. The Defender’s ears are upright, alert, and strong, listening intently even for the faintest sound. This Defender is bold, strong, fierce, alert, powerful, and protective. It is ready to attack quickly to defend VSDB. a box outlined in red shows a chart with the following information: Unified VSDB Vote Results. Student Vote - Blind Department - Defender #1 (Fox): 6, Defender #2 (Bird): 14. Student Vote - Deaf Department - Defender #1 (Fox): 17, Defender #2 (Bird): 11. VSDB Staff, Board of Visitors and Foundation Board Vote - Defender #1 (Fox): 63, Defender #2 (Bird): 29. Blind Alumni Vote - Defender #1 (Fox): 26, Defender #2 (Bird): 25. Deaf Alumni Vote - The vote submitted by the President of the VSDAA was a boycott vote of "0."]
about 1 year ago, VSDB
flyer with red and blue stripes along the border, text at the top reads "VSDB is proud to announce its new Unified Mascot..." below, there is an image of the new VSDB Defender mascot.  Additional text is below. All text is transcribed in the body of the post.
spanish version of the flyer announcing the new mascot. flyer with red and blue stripes along the border, text at the top reads "VSDB VSDB se enorgullece en anunciar su nueva Mascota Unificada..." below, there is an image of the new VSDB Defender mascot.  Additional text is below. All text is transcribed in the body of the post.
Stay Tuned!! Coming Soon: Reveal of the new VSDB unified mascot
about 1 year ago, VSDB
background of red on the left and blue on the right, fading into eachother in the middle. text is typed on a white sign hung onto a red pin that says "stay tuned: coming soon. reveal of the new VSDB unified mascot"
Work study Wednesday! Today we're featuring Kaleb and Sultana as they work to help our Admissions Department by stuffing folders full of VSDB information and brochures!! We're so thankful for our work study students who take on extra work any time they can
about 1 year ago, VSDB
two students standing at a table covered in flyers and folders with VSDB information
We are so excited to share that Mr. Chris Ward has a private performance tomorrow evening at Heifetz. This is something you won't want to miss! His show is on Wednesday, May 10 from 6:30-7:30 pm at Heifetz Music Shop at 107 East Beverley St. Staunton, VA 24401. [flyer text: VSDB Graduating Senior Chris Ward's solo pianist performance at The Heifetz Music Shop! Wednesday, May 10th, 6:30-7:30 pm 107 East Beverley Street Staunton, VA 24401]
about 1 year ago, Julie Saum
flyer with varying shades of blue in a "burst" pattern with text as transcribed above and an image at the bottom of Chris playing the piano
Ms. Alysha, School Counselor, knows counseling doesn't have to be boring! She recently took her girls' group outside for their chat while they swung and spun!
about 1 year ago, VSDB
two students and a staff sitting on a merry go round
two students spinning on a merry go round
two students swinging on a swingset
two students swinging on a swingset
student and staff spinning on a merry go round
ms. Alysha and a student swinging
ms Alysha and a student swinging
ms Alysha and a student swinging
The VSDB library is full of fun - and not only fun with books but so many other activities as well!! Here is Jowan after challenging himself to catch all these foam balls on the Velcro headpiece! Also, check out the many fashions of our library statue, Ben, over the past few months! As this school year comes to a close, please remember to return all library books and materials as soon as possible. Thank you!
about 1 year ago, VSDB
male student stands in the library with a Velcro cap on his head and foam balls attached to the Velcro
bronze statue bust decorated with floral leis and a floral headband
bronze statue bust decorated as a leprechaun with a green hat and a green beard and a shamrock next to him